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The 30 Richest Internet Entrepreneurs

No plans for Memorial Day Weekend?

Perhaps this is your time to take things to a whole new level?

Here is a really cool list of  The 30 Richest Internet Entrepreneurs to get your wheels turning.


Michael Dunlop features this list on his blog IncomeDiary.com, so check it out!

This weekend just may be your turning point just like Labor Day Weekend was for Pierre Omidyar. Over Labor Day weekend back in 1995 Pierre began writing code for what is now eBay.

From BusinessWeek.com:

Pierre M. Omidyar“As the world wide web caught fire in the mid-1990s, a long-haired programmer named Pierre M. Omidyar fretted that big businesses would take over. “I wanted to give the power of the market back to individuals,” he said. So he spent Labor Day weekend in 1995 furiously coding a bare-bones site he called Auction Web. Omidyar, still working full-time at onetime Silicon Valley star General Magic, sought to create a perfect online market — one that would let real folks compete on a level playing field with the big boys.”

Pierre Omidyar’s Story

Have an Awesome Weekend!

Robert Avila

{ 1 comment… add one }

  • ran"usedforklifts"tan 05/26/2009, 11:30 PM

    I enjoyed reading “the 30 richest Internet Entrepreneurs”. They truly are inspiring people… Thank you for the information.

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