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What Do You Desire?

What do you desire?

What would you do if money didn’t matter?

Watch this very powerful video and it will help you answer those questions. We’ve all heard it many times before. Wwat would we do if money didn’t matter? Just about every success book and personal development book asks us these questions.

What Do We Want?

Even though we’ve read this question several times, heard it while listening to an audio program or even asked it of ourselves; we seldom really think about it. We seldom give it the deep thought and attention it deserves.

When you watch this video be sure you are in a very quiet place. Free of all distractions. While watching this video you will be immediately captivated by the imagery, the subtle background music and the voice of the narrator.

Afterwards, I encourage you to watch it again … Maybe even watch it two or three more times.

Think about the ideas and questions that are being asked. Take time to reflect on your thoughts.

When you do this it’s almost as though you’re taking a timeout.

It’s like you’re looking at your life from a different perspective. Almost like watching your own movie.

– How are you showing up?

– Where are you going?

– Are you on the right path?

Once you’ve asked yourself those questions, ask yourself The Biggest Question of all…

What are you going to do about it?

Wish You the Best!


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  • Robert Avila 02/21/2013, 7:58 PM

    PS. It’s very easy to fall into a daily routine. Go to work. Go home. Sleep. Repeat. In business, we frequently review our performance and adjust. Take time to review your personal progress … It deserves at least as much attention as we place on our work life.

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