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Google Adwords Quality Score

Understanding Google Adwords Quality Score and it’s influence on your CPC’s and Ad Position is explained in this short video.

Google’s Chief Economist, Hal Varian, explains the AdWords Ad Auction as well as how your max CPC bid and quality score determine how much you pay for a click on Google.

This video stresses the importance of Quality Score on your pay-per-click costs. Making sure your keyword, ad copy and landing pages are all in alignment (as well as relevant) can save you money and increase your ad position.

Wish you the best!


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  • Dave Davis 02/06/2010, 11:59 PM

    Hey Robert, nice find. We posted about it too. Hal makes it very clear the influence of quality score on bid prices. So many advertisers (and surprisingly newer advertisers) are still thinking with their “bidding war” caps on. I think addressing quality score can provide a much more sustained impact on AdWords costs.

    PS: You have a new subscriber 🙂
    .-= Dave Davis´s last blog ..Geo Target Your Way To A Higher CTR & Quality Score =-.

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