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Brian Tracy Live! – “The Sales Process”

A few years back I had the opportunity to hear Brian Tracy speak here in Las Vegas!

There were several speakers that day… one after another … Starting a Business, Incorporating a Business … you name it … someone spoke about it. I actually attended with a friend however he bailed about 2 hours into this all day event! Big Mistake!

Brian’s talk was well worth the wait!

If you have the chance to see Brian Tracy Live – Do it!

Here is a quick video of him in action ….

Have an Awesome Day!


{ 2 comments… add one }

  • Jarvis Marlow 08/21/2010, 6:13 PM

    Brian Tracy is a wonderful sales trainer. Depending on your skill set and desire, having a good plan to prospect is key. Prepare, qualify, question, and close are just a few of the vital skills. Be committed to the prospect – if they say no to your solution or product ask if you can stay in touch. If you ask them this, DO IT! I test all salesmen who have a concept or product that I might need at a later date. Nearly 100 percent of the time, they never follow up. Be organized – nothing is worse than meeting a potential vendor and they do not have the driving directions, or they show up late. Take an interest in your prospect’s business, especially if they own there business. And the most important for me, is to take action – don’t say, do.

  • Robert Avila 08/22/2010, 9:57 AM

    Great Points Jarvis!

    The one that stands out the most is following up. Every time I purchase a new car or buy new furniture I share the importance of following up in the sales process with the sales rep. I mention how much more business is attainable just by following up and asking for referrals and they agree.

    The crazy part – Even after our conversation, none of them … 100% – Never follow up or even send me a Thank You Card for being a customer!

    – Robert

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